Outreach & Missions
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my
witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."
Acts 1:8 NIV
Mission funding for particular missionaries comes through our “Faith Promise” budget from voluntary “faith promise” pledges made in November of each year and special appeals for local ministry outreach done by church members throughout the year.
The missionaries supported are selected by the Missions committee which communicates with supported missionaries, apportions the Faith Promise funds to each and sponsors a mission fair in October to familiarize the church family with each opportunity.
North Haven Church is responding to the Great Commission by reaching those around the world and in our own backyard. Take a look at some of the ministry and volunteer opportunities we're involved with below.

Culiacán, Sinaloa, Mexico
North Haven Church has been sending teams to Culiacán for more than 20 years. We will be celebrating our 20th year of ministry with an anniversary trip July 30-August 6. Join us for an Information Meeting on May 1 at 11:45am or pick up a trip brochure at the Information Desk in the Commons.
We've built incredible friendships and powerful partnerships with people, churches, and communities there. All ages, from students to seniors, have helped meet a variety of needs, including hosting block parties, teaching Bible schools, and construction projects.
Bruce & Julie Adamson
The Adamsons have been missionaries for many years with Converge. Currently, they are focused on reaching the Diaspora (immigrants/refugees living within foreign countries), comprised of several cultures.
Previously, they served in the Ivory Coast, AF, and worked with university English learners in Senegal, AF.
The FS2G Initiative - Twin Cities is in catalytic partnership with local Converge churches to implement a city strategy for multiplying disciples among the least-reached nations next door.

Lucio & Vanita Berumen
Lucio and Vanita are serving at a church in Worthington, MN, along with their three sons.
Their ministry is also focused on Leadership Development in Latin America. Over the years, they have established many connections as they’ve traveled to over 40 countries, ministering to people who have hearts to serve God. Many do not have adequate training due to language barriers and financial barriers. But God has led the Berumen's to fill this gap. They've been using new strategies for discipleship and coaching as well as translating those resources into Spanish.
Ken & Linda Danielson
Pastor Ken Danielson and his wife Linda serve as Converge North Central Missionaries to Native families around the Lake of the Woods area of Minnesota and Canada. The ministry is twofold, a church plant in Warroad, MN, named "All Nations New Life Center" that serves the Native and local community through Bible study, worship, and prayer. The second half of the ministry includes Bible Study, Bible School, and door-to-door evangelism on Canadian reserves on Lake of the Woods.
They desire to see lives changed through God's Word and loving relationships, to see forgiveness and worship of our Lord, and to see Native elders and pastors raised to preach and declare freedom in Christ.

David & Carol J
David serves as International Director: Asia, working to bring about a gospel-movement among the least-reached peoples of Asia, laying strong foundations for global workers, building bridges with national partners, and opening doors to new areas of work.
David also works with Assessment Leader in Selecting Applicants qualified for Missionary Careers. He commutes as needed to Florida and Missionaries and areas in SouthEast Asia.
Paul & Amy Lindberg
Talking Bibles
Talking Bible's mission stems from a strong conviction that everyone in the world needs access to the Bible. Talking Bibles aims to give non-readers and the blind access to the Bible in their native language.
Paul Lindberg, through Talking Bibles, serves the Lord Jesus Christ by producing audio recordings of translated Scriptures in hundreds of languages and making these recordings accessible in the form of Talking Bibles for millions of people around the world who cannot read.
The readings are taped and then processed to be used in an encased, solar-powered speaker. As a result of this ministry, many become believers in Jesus as their Savior.

The Apparent Project
The Apparent Project is a Christian non-profit organization dedicated to empowering Haitian families through merchandise sales, childcare, early education, and job skills training.
The Apparent Project also seeks to build future leaders in Haiti, committed to creating leaders of integrity and godly character.
They also work to make the needs of Haiti apparent to people who want to help while inspiring the adoration of our loving Father God. And through the work of The Apparent Project, the hope is that Jesus will be apparent to all in this beautiful country.
Why I Am
WHY I AM is a local Christian non-profit that works with youth and young adults ages 12-24, teaching them life skills, job readiness, and engaging them in leisure and recreational activities.
Their mission is to help the youth and young adults grow into positive and productive adults, by giving them essential life skills training and experiences that they might not otherwise have access to. One of their goals is to offer these activities at no cost to the youth, young adults, and their families. Some of these activities include: Healing Trauma Circles (guides teens in life skills); Personal, social, and employment etiquette workshops; Archery, boating, fishing, and water recreation; Personal growth camping trips; Community service projects; and Financial literacy workshops and seminars.

Richardson Elementary School
Over 70% of students at Richardson are on free/reduced lunch.
North Haven partners with the local Richardson Elementary School in several ways. Member volunteers help discreetly distribute needed food to individual student backpacks through a cooperative food bank program. School staff are able to ask for and receive basic clothing supplies for individual student needs and the Church members also contribute school supplies for families living on the edge. Activities to honor and thank school staff have also been done.